Thursday, April 12, 2012

Duck! It's a Pigeon

Lone Pigeon on Collision Course with Camera
Walking around London it has become quite clear that pigeons here either failed flying school, are too fat from overfeeding or are always set on attack mode.

I have never in my life been involved in so many near misses with flying pigeons.  They always just miss, which suggests they're not attacking, but they're close enough for the thump of air from their flapping wings to whack me on the head as they pull up to avoid a collision.

I've tried to stand my ground as they fly for me, but they always win.  The monkey always ducks.

I wondered if it was just me.  So, I watched how others interact.  And, yesterday I was very happy to note others having the same problem.  One young couple actually took a swing that the flying vermin as they barreled down on them.  I have to admit, I'd thought of that, but how would it look if I successfully landed a punch - the feathers, the crash, the stares as the little bugger flapped around on the round, the fact that I actually touched one!

No, I'll just have to keep trying to avoid the little buggers.  You don't think I'm being bullied, do you?

1 comment:

  1. There have been intermittent scandals about pigeons being served up in ethnic restaurants... and, when I was living in Tunbridge Wells, the local Indian restaurant was called 'Shamrat' - I don't think they'd checked out the names with the native English speakers.
